Boys Soccer
When is our next game?
Coaching Staff
Joshua Beardsworth
German Orelleno Gomez
Lucas Saturday
Robert Colon
Camden Fronczek
Carter Merckz
Koldon Brooks
Garrett Thomas
Finn Martin
Arsene Nyongesa
Avery Sanders
Daniel Cordoba
Zach Araya
Gabriel Quesnel
Connor Brooks
Holden Geidel
Isaac Cabrera
Luka Curkovic
Joel Barera
Kenneth Cruz
Bhuvan Mahesh
Parents please complete this form:
Tryouts will be held Monday, January 22 - Thursday, January 25, 4-5:45pm.
- Monday and Tuesday, 6th and 7th grade boys will try out. The first cut will be made Tuesday.
- Wednesday and Thursday, 8th grade boys will tryout with those who made the cut Tuesday.
- Final cuts will be made Thursday.
Please fill out this form if you plan to tryout: 2024 Tryout Form
A parent informational meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria.
The 2024 Team Roster will be posted Thursday, January 25 by 8pm.
All athletic forms must be completed electronically and uploaded to Dragonfly before a student/athlete is allowed to participate in any athletic event or practice, including tryouts.
- SEMS will be using the DragonFly Max app.
- DragonFly is best navigated from a Desktop, Laptop or Chrome-style computer.
- The physical and examination forms need to be uploaded to DragonFly.
- The Travel/Insurance form, Health History forms, Effingham Health System, Heat Policy and Cardiac/Concussion Awareness forms must be completed electronically on the Dragonfly site to participate
- Your education comes first. If you need to take care of academics during practice, you need to discuss the situation with Coach Rowe or Coach Rheberg.
- Be on time, completely dressed and ready to begin practice BY 4:05pm. If you are late to warm-ups, you are late to practice.
- Always give 100% when you practice.
- Take pride in not missing practice. If you can't be at practice, a coach must be notified in advance.
- You are expected to act like a TEAM (family) at all times! We will only encourage and offer positive, helpful evaluation of your teammates. We will not criticize each other.
- Sportsmanship is a must! We will treat the referees and other teams with respect and class.
- Be coachable. Have a good attitude.
- Be a competitor. Always give 100% effort during games.
- You are expected to be a role model on and off the field. You will be held to a higher standard while you are on this team. Disrespect towards coaches, teachers, parents, and teammates will not be tolerated. You are a direct reflection of your family, coaches, school and the SEMS soccer program.