Characteristics of Gifted Learners
Georgia Department of Education Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services
Advanced curricular needs of highly able learners are based on one or more of the following characteristics of the population:
1. Learn more rapidly, with fewer repetitions and less explanation, than most of their age peers
2. Excellent memory; large storehouse of information on school or non-school topics
3. Inattention to details
4. Easily bored with routine tasks
5. Intensely curious
6. Enthusiastic learner
7. Strong need to know
8. Are highly expressive; effective use of words, numbers or other symbols
9. Demonstrate unusual ability to communicate (verbally, physically, artistically,
10. May use language that is advanced, colorful, and elaborative
11. Use particularly apt examples, illustrations, or elaborations
12. More easily see connections within and across disciplines
13. Perceive more unusual and remote associations
14. Manipulate information
15. Use critical thinking skills and logical approaches to figuring out solutions
16. See and create patterns of meaning
17. Are often intellectually playful
18. Intuitive and/or insightful
19. Demonstrate unusual emotional depth
20. Convey and pick up on humor
21. Are highly imaginative; can generate many unique and different ideas
22. Create new designs; invent
23. Tend to think deeply about what they have learned; sense deeper meanings
24. Grasp complex and abstract concepts
25. Can draw inferences and make generalizations that age peers do not yet recognize
26. Adept at abstract thinking skills
27. Use metaphors and analogies
28. Use effective, often inventive, strategies for recognizing and solving problems
29. Intense (sometimes unusual) interests
30. Are self-starters
31. Intrinsically motivated by a challenge
32. Can be highly focused and extremely goal-directed (particularly with self-selected tasks)
33. Highly energetic and persevering
34. Have longer attention spans
35. Can deal with multifaceted activities or several problems at once
36. Can tolerate ambiguity and/or structure open-ended tasks
37. Thrive on independent learning opportunities