GIFTED RULE 160-4-2-.38
The Effingham County School System will implement Rule 160-4-2-.38.
Local procedures are based on the State Rules and Regulations as interpreted by local Gifted Education leaders. Local forms are developed based on the same. Clarification may be obtained by contacting Gifted Education personnel at the school level or Effingham County Board of Education, (912) 754-5508.
Effingham County School System policies and procedures are designed to promote equity in identification of gifted students from diverse populations. Gifted students may be found within any race, ethnicity, gender, economic class, or nationality. Students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and/or behavioral problems may also be found to be gifted. Identified students are admitted for gifted services through appropriate administrative procedures and served by teachers endorsed or certified in Gifted Education. Personnel to work in the area of gifted are authorized in O.C.G.A., 20-2-152(b).
Parents/guardians shall be notified in writing of the following information about the gifted program:
1. Referral procedures, and eligibility requirements, published annually in the Effingham County School District Student Handbook and in the ECSD Gifted Implementation Plan and Administrative Procedures posted on the district’s website.
2. Notification of initial consideration for gifted education services.
3. Types of gifted services provided, academic standards, teaching methods, and manner of evaluation of student performance.
4. Standards for maintaining gifted eligibility, continued services, and probation criteria and length.
5. Termination of gifted services.
Whenever possible and requested, written notifications will be provided in the home language of the student.
Reported Referrals K-12 students may be nominated for consideration for gifted services by a teacher, counselor, administrator, parent/guardian, peer, self, or other individual with knowledge of the student’s abilities. A Nomination for Consideration for Evaluation form may be submitted at any time.
Automatic Referrals*
· Students in 3rd -5th grades, who have a > 90 academic average over the last three grading periods, will be automatically nominated for consideration for further testing.
· Students in 6th – 8th grades, who have a > 90 academic average over the last three grading periods, will be automatically nominated for consideration for further testing.
· Students in 9th -11th grades, who earn AP Potential for 15 or more courses based on PSAT data AND have a > 90 academic average accumulated over the previous two year academic averages, will be nominated for consideration for evaluation.
The principal/designee of each school is responsible for the review of system-wide testing data in order to identify students that meet the criteria for automatic referral for consideration for evaluation.
A Nomination for Consideration must be submitted for all students who meet the automatic referral criteria. Students are not automatically eligible for gifted evaluation or to receive gifted education services.
Evaluations will be conducted by gifted certified teachers trained in the assessment of gifted students, who are assigned to provide gifted services, and are approved by the district’s Gifted Education Department.
Written parental consent is required for evaluation (Consent to Evaluate form).
Assessments used to determine eligibility for gifted services will meet the requirements stated in Rule 160-4-2-.38.
The most current evaluation information available will be used to determine eligibility. Only approved tests, administered within two calendar years will be considered to establish eligibility.
Reasonable consideration will be applied to the number of re-evaluations of a student. Students will not be evaluated more than once every two calendar years.
Testing to determine eligibility will be conducted during designated testing windows in the fall and spring.
Students identified as automatic referrals within two calendar years may have current, system-wide generated data considered, such as grades, and Georgia Milestone scores. Additional tests will not be administered in areas for which current scores are available.
To be eligible for gifted education services in Effingham County, a student must meet the criteria using either the psychometric approach or the multiple criteria approach as stated in Rule 160-4-2-.38. Once eligibility has been determined, notification will be sent home. If students are eligible for gifted services, parental consent must be given on the notification prior to gifted services beginning.
Psychometric Approach
Students qualify by scoring at the 99th percentile (for grades K-2) or the 96th percentile or higher (for grades 3-12) on the composite or full scale score of a standardized test of mental ability and earn a minimum score of the 90th percentile on the total battery, total reading, or total math of a standardized achievement test.
Multiple-Criteria Approach
Students qualify by meeting the criteria in three of the following four areas:
1. Ability: A minimum score of the 96th percentile on the composite/full-scale score or the appropriate component score of a standardized test of mental ability.
2. Achievement: A minimum score of the 90th percentile on the total battery, total reading, or total math of a standardized achievement test.
3. Creativity: A minimum score of the 90th percentile on a standardized test of creativity.
4. Motivation:
(a) Grades K-8, a score of the 90th percentile or higher on a standardized gifted evaluation scale.
(b) Grades 9-12, a GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale where 4.0=A and a 3.0=B, or a numeric grade point average (NGA) of 90 percent on a 100 point scale where 100=A and an 89=B. Grades used to determine the GPA or NGA must be a two-year average of regular school program core subject grades in mathematics, English/language arts, social studies, science, and full year world languages. (Georgia regulations state that the GPA/NGA should be at that level which is achieved by no more than 10% of the students in each grade level.)
According to Rule 160-4-2-.38, no data gathered and analyzed by a source outside a school system may be substituted for data the school generates during the testing/evaluation process. Any prior testing or evaluation data that a parent would like to have considered must be submitted at the same time as the Consent to Evaluate. Any data gathered and considered as part of the evaluation process must comply with Rule 160-4-2-.38 for testing requirements and expectations.
Any student who meets the State of Georgia eligibility criteria for gifted education services shall be considered eligible to receive gifted education services in any school system within Georgia. However, a gifted identified student who enters an Effingham County school with grades not in compliance with the Effingham County Gifted Continuation Policy will begin the local program on probation. The student may continue receiving gifted services as long as he/she meets continuation requirements. There is no eligibility reciprocity among states, unless the student is a dependent of military personnel as provided in O.C.G.A. 20-2-2140.
Any state approved model may be used to provide gifted services in Effingham County to meet the advanced learning needs and interests of gifted students, including Resource, Advanced Content, Cluster Grouping, and Collaborative Teaching. Effingham County also allows schools the opportunity to use State approved innovative models.
The Program for Gifted Education is an academic program. Each student who meets the eligibility criteria for gifted services and has submitted a signed Consent to Place form will be provided a minimum of five segments of gifted service per week or the yearly equivalent through one or more approved delivery models. Schools will ensure that reasonable effort is made to match gifted services to the documented advanced learning needs and interests of each gifted student. Curriculum will focus on developing cognitive, learning, research and reference, and metacognitive skills at each grade level and will incorporate the state adopted content standards. The curricula used will be reviewed and revised if needed at least annually. Gifted services may be provided in one or more of the following content areas: mathematics, science, English/language arts, social studies, foreign language, fine arts, and vocational/technical education. Effingham County schools will ensure quality textbooks, supplemental materials, and equipment are available in order to meet the gifted students' need of a differentiated curriculum. Teachers of gifted students will participate in quarterly meetings and professional development as needed throughout each school year.
Student progress is reviewed each grading period and a determination of continuation of gifted services is made annually. Satisfactory performance must be maintained in gifted education classes to continue receiving services. A grade below 80 in the area where gifted services are being offered is considered unsatisfactory. The Annual Review of Gifted Services: Continuation/Probation form and/or student report card, noting recommendation to continue receiving gifted services for the following term, will be used to document annual recommendations in student files.
If a student does not meet the continuation policy, he/she will be placed on probation for one grading period with remediation criterion decided by the student’s gifted education teacher and/or gifted eligibility team. Written notice will be provided to the parents defining what is considered satisfactory performance and the length of the probation period. At the end of the probation period, continuation of gifted services will be determined by the gifted education teacher and/or gifted facilitator along with the gifted eligibility team and the parent/guardian will receive written notice of the determination. Conditions of the probation will be documented on the Annual Review of Gifted Services: Continuation/Probation form.
Current eligibility requirements must be met by students seeking to resume gifted services in Effingham County after services have been terminated. If a student moves out of State, enrolls in a private school, or is home schooled, resulting in a break in gifted services, the student must meet initial criteria in order to resume gifted services. The most current data available will be used to determine eligibility. Only approved tests, administered within two calendar years will be considered. If a student’s gifted services are discontinued at the parents' request or due to failure to meet the Continuation Policy, the student will not be considered for re-entry for one calendar year. Parents may request that the student be considered for re-entry by completing a Re-entry Request form. The student must meet initial criteria and may be required to satisfy terms of any remediation plan documented in the Annual Review of Gifted Services: Continuation/Probation form. In the event that the most recent data available does not meet eligibility criteria, additional evaluation will be required to determine eligibility for re-entry.